One of the ancient crafts of the world that has made a quiet comeback but is doing roaring business is jewelry making/designing. It used to be a flourishing craft/art in the golden days of bygone eras.
In contemporary times many people are returning to this unique creative field and taking it up as a hobby or turning to it as a serious profession after honing and sharpening their skills and learning the techniques of jewelry making from jewelry designing institutes.
Those who take up jewelry designing as a hobby or as a means of livelihood are usually seeking a vent/outlet through which they can give expression to their creative restlessness.
Jewelry making is a viable and lucrative career option and jewelry designers are slowly but surely emerging from their shroud of oblivion and making their mark in a field which can easily be compared to fine arts in terms of skill and artistry that are required.
Thanks to a shift in media focus, Jewelry designers are coming under the limelight and the day is not far when jewelry designing will be as glamorous and profitable and famous a profession as fashion/apparel designing.
If you are bristling with creativity, have an artistic flair and an eye for meticulous detail coupled with passion and aesthetic sensibility, jewelry designing should be easy for you.
Instead of starting off with precious metals and precious/semi precious stones, you should begin with the creation of simple pieces with beads, sea shells, corals, flowers etc. You can take tips and look up the patterns/designs/styles from online jewelry designing sites which can be found in abundance. If you are more serious, you can take the help of instructional videos or enroll in online jewelry designing courses to fine tune your skill and techniques.
Handcrafted jewelry is unique and different from run of the mill jewelry, add a touch of class and elegance to your attire and personality and make you stand out in a crowd. Everybody would go wow if you turn up in a party in your own handmade jewelry made of beads and corals and you will be the cynosure of all eyes.
There are wide varieties of beads available in the market which come in different shapes, sizes and colors as well as materials and you can make use of beading wire to string the beads together and create necklaces, earrings, bracelets, ornamental head gear, bangles , pendants and what not.
If you try, you can make many exquisite pieces of jewelry in eye catching unique designs and patterns that will earn you accolades and you can also customize the look of your handcrafted jewelry to suit your mood or outfit.
How much does a jewelry designer earn?
I know this question was bound to come up and from whatever I know about this field, a skilled jewelry designer with more than 5 years of experience can earn $7200 per month. But remuneration often depends on the employer and if you are really creative and can create a celeb fan base, only the sky will be the limit for your earnings. And who knows, you might very well be the Oscar de la Renta of the jewelry making world!